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Unforgettable: A Finding Dory Review

It's hard to remember everything.
It's even worse if it's hard to  remember anything.Like your home.
Or your friends.
Or your family.
    It's been a year since Dory found Marlin and Nemo, and her life couldn't be happier. She's got her own home right next to their sea anemone, and Dory has helped Mr. Ray in his educational classes. She's happy, but Dory knows that somethings missing---or at least she thinks she does.
 As Mr. Ray explains to the kids about migration, he tells them that its about going home. As the friendly school teacher continues, Dory suddenly remembers something with a flash. She remembers her parents!
 Marlin and Nemo follow their best friend to California, the place where Dory thinks she grew up. They brave the dangers of before, and catch a totally sick ride with their new friend Crush. After a dangerous brush with a large monster with a big eye and a snappy thing, they make their way to the surface, where Dory is immediately captured and sent to the nearby marine hospital and aquarium.
The journey really starts from their, and along the way, Dory meets new friends: Hank, the tough, belligerent octopus with an ax to grind and 3 very sweet hearts, Bailey is the hypochondriac baluga whale (and one of my favorite characters :), and Destiny is the kind, near-sighted whale shark with a sweet personality and awesome loyalty.
 There's a ton more, but I don't won't to spoil the awesome movie! Finding Dory was an emotional rollercoaster that dove into deep waters like friendship, forgiveness...and being alone. This vibrant, colorful, and totally epic movie brought back characters I've grown up with and loved, and brought in new ones, too. It is totally different than than Finding Nemo, keeps its fun and innocent feel, but explores deep topics. (spoilers up ahead)
  Throughout the entire movie, Dory feels alone. As her memories come back, she remembers that it was her fault that she was separated from her mom and dad, because of her memory lost. It was her fault that she gets separated from her friends, and its her fault that, at the end of the movie, she finds herself alone. Completely alone. And, because its her fault, she feels like a burden to everyone.
 As we swim through life, its easy to feel like we're alone, and insignificant. It's easy to feel that no one wants or likes us because of who we are. Sometimes, it's because of something terrible we've done, and sometime, like Dory, its an accident. Either way, its easy to feel....forgettable. It's also easy for us to want others to forget us, because we don't want to be a burden. Just ask Dory.
But, as Dory learns in the Finding Dory, her friends are always there, right beside her. They aren't going to leave her, and they're going to swim halfway across the ocean to find her! She's not going to be left alone.
 In this life, there are going to be times when you feel alone. And, like some, you actually might be completely alone. But there's been something that I've been learning lately. God doesn't leave you alone. He cares about you, and He doesn't forget you. As a Christian, I know that I can always turn to Him, even when something large isn't going on. He's the Friend that is never going to leave. Even when I mess up--and everybody turns their backs on God, everybody commits sin---He still forgives me, not because it wasn't really my fault, or it wasn't really that bad. It was. Jesus took my penalty and He covers my sin. He can cover anybody's sin, anyone who repents and believes in Him. He loves you! He's real, actually real, and I want others to know that there's hope.
 God doesn't forget about me. He allows me to have a relationship with Him. Let me tell you: it's the most amazing gift I've ever gotten. He loved me enough to die for me!
 And that's something unforgettable.


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