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Showing posts from November, 2015


Thanksgiving--A One Day Sort of Thing?

  Someone decided to try something that has probably never been tried before. A man taped one dollar bills all over his clothes, held up a cardboard sign that said, 'Take what you need,' and walked through crowded city streets. People walked by, some not paying attention. A well-dressed man walked up in a nice business suit and began to peel off a couple of one dollar bills. A jogger ran by the camera, and a few seconds later returned, taking a couple of bills and immediately called his friend. The camera picked up his voice saying, "Hey, guess what, there's a guy giving out money. I took some and I don't even need it!" More people walked by, normal people who probably had a reasonable income, a normal house, food for dinner, and they took the money. A woman with an extremely expensive designer purse came up and began to peel off a couple bills. "Is that a real one?" The man with the money asked, nodding to the purse. "Yes," the woman repli...


Everybody feels sad. A lot of things can make me feel blue. Some of it’s silly things, like watching a sad preview for a movie, or listening to a touching audio-book. Sometimes reading stories can make me cry, especially if someone dies at the end of the story, after you’ve become attached to them.   Somebody else: “Why are you crying; it’s just a made-up character!” Me:   “You weren’t there!!!” I often feel sad if I’m lonely. It can be as simple as I’m the only one in the house, to something deep, like I miss a love one who’s died. But the good news is that even when we’re feeling sad, we can trust that God loves us and that He comforts us, like a father. Even though I might feel lonely or I might cry at some story character, I know that God loves me.    Sadness can be used to bring me closer to God. Oh, wait! Now I’m thinking about Inside Out, and how Riley was crying with her parents because of Sadness, and it was so sad! (Excuse the tears) Gotta go! I’ve got...
