Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Guess what? Remember Fox, my cute baby golden retriever (who's not so small anymore?) Well, I forgot to tell you about my other animals, three cats, in fact. The first is Snowball, our cross-eyed Siamese with a good ol' dash of Siamaditude. She's as ornery as they come, but also super sweet, with a dash of fierce. Peanut is our second cat, a small, simple-minded kitty with a sweet streak...and not much else, except for a whole lot of cuteness and a squeaky meow. Last, but not least, is our brand-new addition to our family, Tangerine. He's a white/orange cat with slightly oval eyes, a nasal purr and a flat, striped tail. He's so sweet and very, very cute. Anyway, I already love this cat. We adopted him from an animal shelter, and I can't help but wonder what this little guy's been through. I love that he's ours. It made me think about our adoption, though. God adopted us too, in our helpless state, but we didn't have near a...