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Showing posts from September, 2017


The Okapi and the Sloth and soon...a Tucan

Hi, Page Turner here! A few days ago, I sort of dared myself to write a post that included ice cream, calendars, a mailman, unicorns, poetry, and, oh yeah, an elephant . (I just threw the last one on as I was ending that post. ) Okay, here I go!    My favorite animals are like ice cream flavors, calendar pages, weather patterns, and the times...they are a changin'. Yup, like the aforesaid, my favorite animals are always changing. Of course, I will always love my Fox, my dog, and Fluff, Snowball, Peanut, and Groucho, my cats, the best. But the other animals...those be a changin'. Like right now, I love the okapi.This creature looks a little like a giraffe, with knob-like structures on its forehead. It can actually lick these structures with its tongue! Yes, the tongue of the okapi is an amazing muscle designed by God, with far-reaching abilities! Also, the okapi was once thought to be a unicorn . Not only that, but this amazing creature wasn't discovered by the scienti...
