Hi, guys! Page Turner here again!
I don't know about you guys, but I've had a pretty good summer. I can't believe that its almost over! It's back to school, and work, and real life....
I recently went to the beach, which was pretty awesome. It was so pretty there, and we spent hours playing in the deep water, sitting on the beach, or walking up and down the sand. When we got back to our camper, everybody read---for three hours each day! Let's just say that we burned through a lot of books. See the list below!
Anyway, as much as I love summer, I'm super stoked for the semester to start. I know that sounds nuts, but I'm taking some awesome classes this year, and I'm glad for some structure and schedule.
Do you ever find yourself slipping into the Summer Blues? It happens a lot during the summer.
There's not a lot of responsibility and everybody starts to get bored. Unless you're one of those annoyingly incredible people who spend their summer running around, swimming, catching fireflies, eating ice cream, etc. :)
Anyway, when summer finally rolls around, it seems like every thing's going to be super awesome---which it is. This summer I was blessed to head to Nashville to camp on a lake, go on a mission trip in South Carolina (more on that another day) and to the beach in Florida. It was all really fun, but during the summer buzz of lemonade and swimming, it seems that some things are forgotten.
Without a structure, it's hard to remember or discipline myself to do my quiet time with God everyday. That should be weird, right? After all, God is the most important, satisfying, amazing Person you'll ever know, and He loves us. Beholding Him should be on the top of our to-do list.
A comedian, Brian Reagan, talks about how he's had poor vision for a while and finally got around to getting some glasses. He pauses and grins.
"I know, right?" he says, "How could instantly improved vision not be on the top of my to do list? Yeah, I would like to see better, but I'm going to clean out my sock drawer first. Better organized socks than instantly improved vision!"
I love that one, and Brian Reagan's a super funny comedian, only exceeded by Tim Hawkins.
----STOP! Just an IMPORTANT note: if you haven't seen Tim Hawkins. Do. Now. Okay, continue:)-----
Anywho, God should be at the top to our to do list, but sometimes cleaning our sock drawer is what we do instead. No. I'm not kidding, guys. I cleaned out my sock drawer this summer.
But knowing Jesus Christ should exceed anything we ever could imagine. Sometimes I don't discipline myself to do quiet time, but whenever God draws me in and I do it, I'm never sorry! We forget how important it is to spend time with our Father, our King. It is a privilege to know the Lord--and even a greater surprise that God wants us to come to Him! Being completely abandoned to God--that's what should be on our to-do list. (Getting a little cheesy now with the to do list, eh? :)
But Jesus does tell us that our treasure should be in heaven. With school coming up, I want to make up for the time this summer, because I'll never regret that.
I hope that you've had a good summer! Once again, I apologize for the inconsistencies of my blog. My bad! As you can tell, I've been pretty busy this summer! I hope that you guys have a good day. Remember God, and spend time with Him today.
Page Turner, over and out!
----page turner
I don't know about you guys, but I've had a pretty good summer. I can't believe that its almost over! It's back to school, and work, and real life....
I recently went to the beach, which was pretty awesome. It was so pretty there, and we spent hours playing in the deep water, sitting on the beach, or walking up and down the sand. When we got back to our camper, everybody read---for three hours each day! Let's just say that we burned through a lot of books. See the list below!
Anyway, as much as I love summer, I'm super stoked for the semester to start. I know that sounds nuts, but I'm taking some awesome classes this year, and I'm glad for some structure and schedule.
Do you ever find yourself slipping into the Summer Blues? It happens a lot during the summer.
There's not a lot of responsibility and everybody starts to get bored. Unless you're one of those annoyingly incredible people who spend their summer running around, swimming, catching fireflies, eating ice cream, etc. :)
Anyway, when summer finally rolls around, it seems like every thing's going to be super awesome---which it is. This summer I was blessed to head to Nashville to camp on a lake, go on a mission trip in South Carolina (more on that another day) and to the beach in Florida. It was all really fun, but during the summer buzz of lemonade and swimming, it seems that some things are forgotten.
Without a structure, it's hard to remember or discipline myself to do my quiet time with God everyday. That should be weird, right? After all, God is the most important, satisfying, amazing Person you'll ever know, and He loves us. Beholding Him should be on the top of our to-do list.
A comedian, Brian Reagan, talks about how he's had poor vision for a while and finally got around to getting some glasses. He pauses and grins.
"I know, right?" he says, "How could instantly improved vision not be on the top of my to do list? Yeah, I would like to see better, but I'm going to clean out my sock drawer first. Better organized socks than instantly improved vision!"
I love that one, and Brian Reagan's a super funny comedian, only exceeded by Tim Hawkins.
----STOP! Just an IMPORTANT note: if you haven't seen Tim Hawkins. Do. Now. Okay, continue:)-----
Anywho, God should be at the top to our to do list, but sometimes cleaning our sock drawer is what we do instead. No. I'm not kidding, guys. I cleaned out my sock drawer this summer.
But knowing Jesus Christ should exceed anything we ever could imagine. Sometimes I don't discipline myself to do quiet time, but whenever God draws me in and I do it, I'm never sorry! We forget how important it is to spend time with our Father, our King. It is a privilege to know the Lord--and even a greater surprise that God wants us to come to Him! Being completely abandoned to God--that's what should be on our to-do list. (Getting a little cheesy now with the to do list, eh? :)
But Jesus does tell us that our treasure should be in heaven. With school coming up, I want to make up for the time this summer, because I'll never regret that.
I hope that you've had a good summer! Once again, I apologize for the inconsistencies of my blog. My bad! As you can tell, I've been pretty busy this summer! I hope that you guys have a good day. Remember God, and spend time with Him today.
Page Turner, over and out!
----page turner
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