I love the show "Gilligan's Island." In this old TV comedy, seven castaways are stranded on an island and are constantly looking for a way off--but poor, awkward Gilligan always messes it up. Once on the show, Gilligan finds a bush with beans that enable him to read others minds. How cool would that be! I mean, forget conversation barriers, awkwardness, finding the right words to say, etc, etc. Or is it? By the end of the show, the entire group was pitted against each other, for everyone could read each others thoughts. Thoughts are supposed to be hidden from others. Even though we are supposed to take every thought captive to Christ, I know I struggle. Ugly things pop into our minds--who would want to see that? In science fiction, mind reading has always been seen as fascinating, bizarre, and a gift. In Gilligan's Island, the Professor admits that he thought it would create world peace. Hah. But the truth is, Someone knows every thought you've ever thunk, and why you thought it. Your heart and mind innner-workings from the past, the present and the future. And guess what? This Somone (are you picking up on this? It's God, by the way) loves you more than a husband, wife, parent, child, sibling, or friend ever possibly could. In fact, God died for you, knowing EVERYTHING about you. Who would have thought it?
I love the show "Gilligan's Island." In this old TV comedy, seven castaways are stranded on an island and are constantly looking for a way off--but poor, awkward Gilligan always messes it up. Once on the show, Gilligan finds a bush with beans that enable him to read others minds. How cool would that be! I mean, forget conversation barriers, awkwardness, finding the right words to say, etc, etc. Or is it? By the end of the show, the entire group was pitted against each other, for everyone could read each others thoughts. Thoughts are supposed to be hidden from others. Even though we are supposed to take every thought captive to Christ, I know I struggle. Ugly things pop into our minds--who would want to see that? In science fiction, mind reading has always been seen as fascinating, bizarre, and a gift. In Gilligan's Island, the Professor admits that he thought it would create world peace. Hah. But the truth is, Someone knows every thought you've ever thunk, and why you thought it. Your heart and mind innner-workings from the past, the present and the future. And guess what? This Somone (are you picking up on this? It's God, by the way) loves you more than a husband, wife, parent, child, sibling, or friend ever possibly could. In fact, God died for you, knowing EVERYTHING about you. Who would have thought it?
I saw Gilligan Island and I love that show! I loved your post too. Keep up the good work!