Hi, guys! I'm back again with a little bit more knowledge about Marie Antoinette's famous line where she declared, "Let them eat cake." Actually, some sources say that she never said this phrase, that it was a rumor first started about a Spanish princess a few years before, and rumored about Marie and a few other royals after.
The point is, the French Revolution was a messy time. The king and queen were selfish, the people were violent, and no one knew what to do. It wasn't called the Reign of Terror for nothing! Looking from the future, you might say, "Why didn't they just give food to the people? They were right there and they had so much!" The royals acted barbarically toward their people in letting them starve, and you might say they ignored them. We might never fight in a real war, not even in a small battle, but don't we fight fights? Nobody wakes up and assumes there will be no conflict. Unless you have, like, zero human contact, not even with family, than you probably won't have conflict, unless you're extremely argumentative and you fight with yourself. I'll just assume you see people sometimes. You're pretty much always going to have a conflict. Shouldn't we be prepared? Why don't we make up our minds in the beginning of the day not to fight someone who's angry with us? Or, when someone ignores us, why do we lash out? It's because we are humans, oui? We sin, and a mini French Revolution breaks out in our lives. (minus guillotines, pitch forks, and cake.) But when we fight and say mean stuff, it's not glorifying to God, and it hurts those we speak with. Words are something you can never take back. If the king and queen had not been so greedy, and the people so violent, maybe the Reign of Terror never would have happened. In everything we do, we should seek to glorify our Father. We can stand up for what's right, defend those being bullied, and speak up. That's good, but we can also emulate Jesus and try to bring peace to our squabbles and try to show love. It takes humility! I need help with this! Pray that Jesus would help you---we can't do it on our own! By myself it's a distaster akin to Bastille. But He is powerful and helps us: He is our Lord, He served us, and He is the Prince of Peace. Well, I should probably go to bed now, although I'm this typing's making me work up an appetite. . As Marie Antoinette said, "Let zem eat cake!" See ya later!
----au revoir, page turner
The point is, the French Revolution was a messy time. The king and queen were selfish, the people were violent, and no one knew what to do. It wasn't called the Reign of Terror for nothing! Looking from the future, you might say, "Why didn't they just give food to the people? They were right there and they had so much!" The royals acted barbarically toward their people in letting them starve, and you might say they ignored them. We might never fight in a real war, not even in a small battle, but don't we fight fights? Nobody wakes up and assumes there will be no conflict. Unless you have, like, zero human contact, not even with family, than you probably won't have conflict, unless you're extremely argumentative and you fight with yourself. I'll just assume you see people sometimes. You're pretty much always going to have a conflict. Shouldn't we be prepared? Why don't we make up our minds in the beginning of the day not to fight someone who's angry with us? Or, when someone ignores us, why do we lash out? It's because we are humans, oui? We sin, and a mini French Revolution breaks out in our lives. (minus guillotines, pitch forks, and cake.) But when we fight and say mean stuff, it's not glorifying to God, and it hurts those we speak with. Words are something you can never take back. If the king and queen had not been so greedy, and the people so violent, maybe the Reign of Terror never would have happened. In everything we do, we should seek to glorify our Father. We can stand up for what's right, defend those being bullied, and speak up. That's good, but we can also emulate Jesus and try to bring peace to our squabbles and try to show love. It takes humility! I need help with this! Pray that Jesus would help you---we can't do it on our own! By myself it's a distaster akin to Bastille. But He is powerful and helps us: He is our Lord, He served us, and He is the Prince of Peace. Well, I should probably go to bed now, although I'm this typing's making me work up an appetite. . As Marie Antoinette said, "Let zem eat cake!" See ya later!
----au revoir, page turner
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