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Showing posts from August, 2016


Social Media: r u jk?

Hi, guys! Page Turner here! I've started school this week! Yeah! And not so yeah!  Today was totally hectic, and I rushed to and from my classes. I got to meet some people I've never seen before, and hopefully I'll get to know them better this week!  One of my classes talked some about the destructive things that can happen through social media. ....Hmm....  Okay, so if you're reading this, chances are you're using Internet. If you're not, please send me your secret so I can learn how to write a post without WiFi!  Anyway, things like emails, Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, and Pinterest, and, yes, Pokemon Go, all count as social media. I've gotta vent now!  My class said that the average teen spends 7 hours of their day on social media! Think about this!  You're spending 420 minutes on social media. Spending 420 minutes a day you could read... You could finish Pride and Prejudice...IN A DAY You could read the Odyssey...IN A DAY  You could r...

Sun Beats Down

Hi, Page Turner here!  Today I ran at a grueling cross-country practice. We're talking, "we're all so sweaty that our sweaty's sweaty" kind of practice. It was a deep-fried-in-the-sun-drink-a-gallon-of-water-and-still-feel-nauseous-and-kinda-faint-sort of practice. As in, surface on the sun while wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and eating a bowl of chili. But we cooled off later, so it was all good! :)   I have a renewed appreciation for the people on my team! I thank God for their encouragement and great effort!           Just wanted to talk about the practice! Page Turner, over and out!                                                          ...

The Happiest Millionaire

 What's it like to be a millionaire, with a wife, two sons, a daughter, and a room full of alligators? To have your own boxing team that practises in your parlor (with your daughter being the star champ)? To top it all off, you live in  Philadelphia during the Victorian era, your daughter begins to date a young man bound as a automobile designer in Detroit, and your elderly mother picks a fight (of polite and genteel words) with the wealthy and distinguished lady downtown. What's that like?  Maybe you should ask Anthony Biddle, the kind, eccentric, and humorous millionaire who lives this life. Or, better yet, John Lawless, the young man who is the new Irish butler who seems to have an uncanny ability to talk to an unseen audience, have a cheerful, funny attitude, and more 'fortuneosity' than a leprechaun and a bushel of shamrocks combined. He tends to see more of the action than Anthony Biddle--and that's saying something!   Narrated occasionally by the cheer...

A Grueling Practice

What It's Like to Be a Runner After a Grueling Practice    Everything's great! You feel totally pumped and you get a good night's sleep    You wake up, ready for the day. Then--ouch! Yikes! You can barely get up!    You hobble about     You guzzle water, trying to warm up your sore muscles    Hop on the treadmill and take a run, to get rid of the soreness's worked for others, but it just hurts more    And finally, you're stuck with that great cramp, in which your knees only bend halfway when trying to sit in a chair--and you fall in the rest of the way. The chair topples over.                                                       ...

Off the Beaten Yellow Brick Road

Guess what, guess what! I mean, hi, guys! Page Turner here.  Okay, okay, I gotta tell you! I'm starting a new category: Off the Beaten Yellow Brick Road. In this series, I'm going to talk about amazing books and movies that don't get much credit, but should totally be included on reading lists and binge watching. Or at least, should be considered to be read and watched by you at home! These are the kind of books that will keep you saying, " We're not in Kansas anymore."   I hope that you enjoy this series, because I sure am! Keep a look out on the Yellow Brick Road for titles and movies. See you later! Break a leg!                                                                                  ---page turn...


Hi, guys! Page Turner here again!  I don't know about you guys, but I've had a pretty good summer. I can't believe that its almost over! It's back to school, and work, and real life....   I recently went to the beach, which was pretty awesome. It was so pretty there, and we spent hours playing in the deep water, sitting on the beach, or walking up and down the sand. When we got back to our camper, everybody read---for three hours each day! Let's just say that we burned through a lot of books. See the list below!    Anyway, as much as I love summer, I'm super stoked for the semester to start. I know that sounds nuts, but I'm taking some awesome classes this year, and I'm glad for some structure and schedule.   Do you ever find yourself slipping into the Summer Blues? It happens a lot during the summer.  There's not a lot of responsibility and everybody starts to get bored. Unless you're one of those annoyingly incredible people who spend th...
