Wow! It's been a long time since my last blog post! My classes have been really time-consuming this year, and it's gotten away from me. Needless to say, my blog isn't the only thing that I've neglected...
I am so excited about Christmas! I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH! That's right, Page Turner's favorite holiday is Christmas and it is fast approaching. I have a lot of great memories tied up in Christmas, from decorating the tree, watching Hallmark movies, playing in the snow with my siblings, or wrapping presents. My favorite part about Christmas is the memories, being together, and the joy.
Christmas is about Jesus being born! That is so amazing! I can't even fully comprehend it, but it makes me so happy! Our God came down as a baby to save us from our sins. My Savior was born and we get to celebrate it with friends and family. That is reason to rejoice!
But Christmas can be really hard sometimes, when you miss loved ones, or anxiety sets in. What I love about Christmas is that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Even in times of sadness or the temptation to worry, I can lean on my Comforter and know that He is trustworthy.
I love Christmas, and in a few days, I'm going to start the 12 days of Christmas Countdown. Thanks for sticking with me, and I'm glad to be back. I'm ready to break out my Christmas spirit, because no matter what happens, traditions or not, Jesus was born...and He is alive, our Savior.
Now that's reason to rejoice!
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