Look now, at our brave explorer, courageously standing inches away from the throes of death. The beast is before him, and he carefully maneuvers between the native foliage. Down on his hands and knees, he crawls forward, just a few feet away from the savage creature he was sent to document. We watch as he grabs his canteen; nay, his handkerchief! Our brave explorer wipes the sweat from his brow. Even our brave hero is experiencing nervous tension.
It is the final moments. Our explorer crouches, hiding, waiting.
Slowly, he moves forward, lifts the outer covering of the beast's home, and yanks it out!
Leaping lizards! Good gracious me!
And our explorer comes out alive!
Now you see him, standing in the midst of the refuse of old Christmas boxes, pulling the beast out, one twinkly light out at a time.
Yes, sir, the strings of Christmas lights, the monster of every modern explorer. But our's executes the un-knotting, unfurling, and re-twisting on of light bulbs with such dexterity, skill, and speed, that the lights are up, surrounding the house with a glow of good cheer.
Our explorer has successfully placed the twinkly lights up, a task of bravery and heroism.
We bid you adieu, explorer, and good night.
You are such a gifted writer!! LOVE you