Page Turner here. It feels like forever since my last post! Well, six days anyway and a couple things have happened. I got to go see Inside Out! It was great, by the way, and I would heartily recommend it. (As long as you have tissues ready). Also, I noticed I've let the graphics and polls slide into disrepair, so get ready for some new polls, list, and stories. Okay, so I never really think its summer until its July. So on July first, I am going to have a new backdrop and graphics and colors and stuff celebrating Page Turner's Official Start of Summer Feeling. Lastly, I saw Venus and Jupiter last night. Did you know that Venus was named after the Roman god of love, because those who saw it thought it would be a beautiful sister planet to earth, due to its similar shape and size. In reality, Venus is a volcanic planet covered in carbon dioxide that traps in all its heat. It is like one big broiler, spewing lava and poisonous gases. Not exactly the lush green counterpart those...